Most Americans in this time of self-isolation have opened or maintained their existing Amazon Prime memberships. The giant, everything store simply makes home delivery affordable to over 150 million members worldwide. (1) That figure rose from 100 million the year before – an amazing subscriptions increase of fifty percent.
How many people do you know who aren’t Amazon Prime members? Do you know anyone who hasn’t heard about Amazon hiring so many workers in March and April of this year? (2) Physical retailers reported 8.7% losses due to stay-at-home orders that have created yet another growth surge for Amazon. (3) The demographics suggest that even the poor, the largest portion of American society, find irresistible the convenience of cheap home-delivery of anything under the sun, including groceries.
How Your Prime Membership Helps Higher Ground
Higher Ground is simply thankful that we can distribute and earn a modest profit today. We receive monthly income based on how many Prime members take us up on that FREE download at Amazon.com, so we thank you ALL for opening your copy and reading every page! (It is very important to us that you open every page because those are the only ones we get credit for.)
In addition to wonderful offers from Higher Ground network members and sponsors, the editors at Higher Ground have introduced “old school” word finders and clue hunting games to encourage viewing every page. Every issue contains a valuable prize ($420 dollars???). Will you be the lucky person who finds all of the clues and solves the riddle first? The clues are hidden in images to keep browsers from helping too much. This means anyone playing the game must play fair. Enjoy!
How to download and read Higher Ground Magazine FREE
- Be sure you are logged into your Amazon Prime account; then use the search terms “Higher Ground Magazine [month year]” (e.g. March 2020 for the month year). Click here for the March 2020 issue.
- Follow the links, then click on “Download FREE on Kindle” and enjoy reading. You can download on your phone or other device with the free Kindle Reader app available in the app store.
See the video.
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(1) Spangler, T. (2020, Jan 30) Amazon Prime Tops 150-Million Members, Variety article (website) https://variety.com/2020/digital/news/amazon-150-million-prime-members-1203487355/ , accessed 20200416_1240pst.
(2) Pisani, J (2020, Mar 16) Amazon seeks to hire 100,000 to keep up with surge in orders, Seattle Times, website https://www.seattletimes.com/business/amazon-seeks-to-hire-100000-to-keep-up-with-surge-in-orders/ accessed 20200416_1320pst.
(3) Levy, A. (2020, Apr 16) 3 Reasons Amazon’s Surging Demand Will Stick Around Long-Term, The Motley Fool (website) https://www.fool.com/investing/2020/04/16/3-reasons-amazons-surging-demand-will-stick-around.aspx , accessed 20200416_1250pst.