The HigherGround420 Vision
Searching for the right medicine for a patient is difficult enough without variation from one grower to the next. Some growers have made significant investment - facilities, genetics, media, personnel, training and process refining - to deliver a superior product, while others just 'wing it'. It is our goal to document which growers are producing the best medicine, which chemotypes they offer, how our experts rated the crops, and how to find them for purchase.
Higher Ground is recruiting talented reviewers NOW in all Medical and Recreational Use states, not only Washington, Oregon, Alaska, California, Hawaii and Colorado. Contact editor Jeff Cole to learn how you can take part (or go ahead and Subscribe now as a Contributor and begin helping today).
Jeff Cole began graduate studies in 1997 while working in the laboratory of Dr. William Hildebrand in the department of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. Family crisis interrupted grad school, but not his interest in Science.
Cole spent several years teaching Math and Sciences in area high schools and colleges. It was while teaching an unruly group Cole lovingly called 'the rough boys', that he was challenged to learn the real reasons behind cannabis prohibition and ultimately became an advocate for the end of cannabis prohibition.
Cole was recognized by a civic group in 2008 for his contribution to local history while publishing a regional magazine. 14 issues and a commemorative history book later, Cole took interest in cannabis and the history of the Pacific Northwest. Following extensive research begun in 2008 into the actual risks, effects, history and prohibition of cannabis in America, Cole emigrated to Seattle in 2013 shortly after Washington state legalized cannabis for recreational use with an initiative vote of the people in late 2012. Now in Seattle, his numerous and colorful stories extracted from Seattle history draw both Seattle Bliss and HigherGround420 supporters to choose the Seattle Bliss tour when they visit.
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News and Reviews are accessible to everyone - free of charge - thanks to the generous support from subscribing individuals, businesses and special affiliates helping us learn more about the plant. Subscribe or Contribute and be a HigherGround420 hero.