Photoperiod may explain reduced potency in Cannabis crops exhibiting elevated CBG

Why elevated CBG coincides with reduced THC/CBD in Cannabis/Hemp In his well-known doctoral dissertation published in 2009, David Potter found that photoperiod may explain reduced potency in Cannabis crops exhibiting…

FOOP outperforms Seattle Bliss

THE FOOP is a commercially available nutrient supplement for Cannabis cultivation and is made from (you guessed it) fish poop.  As a consultant for Medical Marijuana (MMJ) patients growing in…

Seeds in Your Sinsemilla

So you tried a new dispensary. You controlled yourself and cautiously bought just a gram. Good thing too, because you also discovered over half a gram of seeds in your…

How to prevent surprise hemp plants from birdseed

A UK resident discovered an illegal hemp plant growing in his backyard that he did not plant and learned that hemp bird seed was likely the culprit. Imagine UK resident…

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